Video Time Line (動画時系列)↓↓↓
It's been cold here lately and the gorilla family can't stop sniffling and everyone is picking their noses.
Father Momotaro is getting used to the vet little by little.
When Kintaro sees his brother Gentaro with lots of straw on his back, he runs over and starts playing with him.
Baby Kintaro seems to be getting more pleasure from rocking the boat than riding in the green boat. Kintaro is also doing his own nail trimming!
0:00 鼻水を舐めるゴリラ家族と指をしゃぶる兄ゲンタロウ
0:14 朝食の時間です
0:48 父モモタロウは獣医にも慣れてきています
2:10 赤ちゃんキンタロウはネット内のエサを取っています
3:07 キンタロウがコウモリのようです
4:24 兄ゲンタロウはいっぱいエサを抱えて高所へ上げります
4:47 父モモタロウと母ゲンキが少し離れて一緒に食事してます
5:55 モモタロウが横たわりながら鼻水を舐めています
6:27 ゲンキはキンタロウの横で鼻水を舐めてします
6:43 ゲンタロウは鼻水も舐めてましたが、それ以上に指をしゃぶる時間が長いです
7:24 キンタロウは壁を登ろうとしています
7:58 キンタロウはボートに登り遊び始めると同時に、鼻水を舐めています
8:48 ゲンタロウとキンタロウが遊んでいます。キンタロウは来園者にガラスを叩いで挨拶をしています
9:05 ゲンタロウが背中にたくさんの藁を乗せています
10:04 ゲンタロウの背中の様子を見ていたキンタロウがゲンタロウのそばにやってきます
10:58 キンタロウは他の家族以上に鼻水を舐めまくっています
11:54 キンタロウは、ボートの近くで横になり遊んでいます
12:05 キンタロウは、鼻水だけでなく爪のお手入れをしています
12:52 キンタロウは横になりドラミングしています
13:29 ゲンタロウとキンタロウがまたもや一緒に遊びはじめます
14:30 キンタロウは今日もボートを揺らして遊んでいます
15:00 キンタロウは来園者が多くなってきたので、ネットに乗って楽しさをアピールしています
16:00 キンタロウは大きなハンモックの中で休憩中です
0:00 Gorilla family licking snot and brother Gentaro sucking his finger
0:14 Time for breakfast!
0:48 Father Momotaro is getting used to the vet.
2:10 Baby Kintaro is taking food from the net.
3:07 Kintaro looks like a bat!
4:24 Big brother Gentaro gets up high with lots of food.
4:47 Father Momotaro and mother Genki are eating together, a little apart.
5:55 Momotaro is lying down and licking his nose.
6:27 Genki licks snot from his nose next to Kintaro.
6:43 Gentaro licks snot, but spends more time sucking his finger
7:24 Kintaro is trying to climb the wall
7:58 Kintaro is licking snot at the same time as he climbs into the boat and starts to play
8:48 Gentaro and Kintaro are playing. Kintaro is greeting visitors by tapping on glass.
9:05 Gentaro is carrying a lot of straw on his back.
10:04 Kintaro comes to Gentaro's side after watching Gentaro's back.
10:58 Kintaro is licking the snot out of his nose more than the rest of the family!
11:54 Kintaro is lying down and playing near the boat
12:05 Kintaro is cleaning his nails as well as his snot!
12:52 Kintaro is lying down and drumming.
13:29 Gentaro and Kintaro start playing together again!
14:30 Kintaro is rocking the boat again today.
15:00 Kintaro is having fun on the net as more and more visitors come to the park.
16:00 Kintaro is resting in a big hammock.
Cool Gorilla and Awesome Gorilla
Taken撮影 2021年11 月 November
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WesternLowlandGorilla ニシゴリラ
Kyoto City Zoo 京都市動物園
Momotaro & Genki Gorilla Family (モモタロウ&ゲンキ家族)
Father: Momotaro(モモタロウ) ♂(2000/7/3)
Mother: Genki(ゲンキ) ♀(1986/6/24)
Older brother: Gentaro(ゲンタロウ) ♂(2011/12/21))
Younger brother : Kintatro(キンタロウ) ♂(2018/12/19)
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#チビゴリラ #赤ちゃんゴリラ