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Have you ever wondered what makes you attractive? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a type of questionnaire that categorizes people according to their preferences and personality. Knowing your personality type can help you learn a lot more about yourself, including the traits that make you attractive to others. Curious to know what’s yours? Watch this video to find out.
Disclaimer: The MBTI is a personality inventory designed to roughly identify a person’s personality type, split into 16 categories. As such, it may be prone to not quite hitting the mark for everyone: so take it as a list of rough tendencies rather than strict classifications. This video’s primary intention is for providing entertainment and light-hearted content backed up by properly-vetted professional sources.
Want more MBTI videos? We also made a video on the careers that suit your personality type: https://youtu.be/nYbO7nDlV1w
Writer: Ananya Sawarkar
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Sam Rain ( https://twitter.com/sadsamrain )
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong