Welcome to another Minecraft 1.18 video! Today I show you 18 lesser known or secret features in Minecraft 1.18, The Caves and Cliffs Update! This update brings TONS of new features! Some you may have forgotten, others you might not know about, but all of them are important! If you liked this video, drop a like or maybe subscribe for more 1.18 content :D
Got any 1.18 bugs you want me to cover? Lemme know in the comments!
-Latest video! Truly Bedrock S4 Episode 1! SURVIVING THE 1.18 UPDATE! Minecraft Bedrock Survival Let's Play!
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Minecraft Bedrock Tutorials! Full playlist! http://bit.ly/2XQz5sE
Caves and cliffs part 2 changelog:
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Music by Argofox: http://bit.ly/2vsxAF1
#Minecraft #BedrockEdition #CaveUpdate
PieIsTheBest in the comments If you made it this far down ;)