Dismissive Of Battery Swapping? Here Are Ample Reasons Not To Be.

Dismissive Of Battery Swapping? Here Are Ample Reasons Not To Be.

Find out more about Ample at https://www.ample.com

If battery swapping didn't take off in the past, what's different this time? We chat to Ample Co-Founder Khaled Hassouna to find out... and the answers might surprise you!


Back in 2012, Nikki visited Better Place in Israel to experience its take on electric vehicle battery swapping. Its solution was cumbersome, complicated, and slow.

Several years after Better Place declared bankruptcy, Tesla tried its own take on battery swapping - but quietly ceased operating its battery swap stations after poor demand.

However, since that time we've seen some successful battery swap operations crop up around the world. Most follow the business model of offering battery swapping for one make of car - but in the heart of Silicon Valley, a battery startup called Ample is breaking all the battery swap rules.

It's already operating a successful battery swap solution for Uber EV drivers in San Fransciso, and is readying a similar program in Europe. And it's just raised an additional $30 million on top of more than $160 million raised during its C-series funding in August.


Presenter: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
Camera: Kate Walton-Elliott, Winter Tashlin.
Sound, Editing: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
Color, Cleanup: Winter Tashlin
Graphics: Erin Carlie


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