#HyperBitcoinization #Bitcoin #Exponentiality #Inflation #Deflation #Celsius #Debt #MoneyPrinting #Layer2s #Abundance #Scarcity
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0:00 Disclaimer - this is Edutainment and not Financial Advice - The opinions expressed in the video are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry.
0:20 Jeff Booth is a visionary leader who has lived at the forefront of technology change for more than 20 years. He led BuildDirect, a technology company that aimed to simplify the building industry, for nearly two decades through the dot-com meltdown, the 2008 financial crisis, and many waves of technological disruption. He wrote probably the best book of the century - The Price of Tomorrow:
1:00 Giving back when you have everything you need - create value for others
2:00 For the audience, book of the century - The Price of Tomorrow: - can u summarize it for a 10-year-old in 2-3 sentences?
3:05 I know your fave book is "Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail" - But Understanding exponentiality is not easy: People have a hard time wrapping their heads around this. I loved your 34th FOLD - a napkin folded 4 times becomes 1cm thick. Doubling something 29 times increases it by a factor of about 540 million. Can you help people understand that and how it relates to money?
8:00 Cathie Wood Inflation vs Deflation?
14:44 In a deflationary world, what incentive do people have to spend? What drives the economy if cash savings grow in purchasing power risk-free forever?
Mathematical Certainty - GDP tipping point of 77% as it costs GDP growth - the only way to grow is to keep printing and keep rates low? Thoughts
23:00 Can Central Banks stop MONEY printing?
24:15 is Universal Basic Income a foregone conclusion?
26:00 Trickle-down economics
26:15 China has more US T Bills than the US's balance sheet. China has started selling T Bill's to other nations. Is there concern China may become the dominant currency?
28:50 WWIII Trigger
31:00 World has to reset
33:27 Money printing modeling - QE rate and QE acceleration
36:20 Wealth Tied to Technology
37:18 Dystopian CBDCs - Surveillance Disguised as Money - nuclear arms race
43:15 Explain to the audience how dangerous/Bad CBDCs are?
45:00 Politicians and Pandering
47:55 measuring system from the system - relation between spending eg infrastructure bill and climate change?
52:13 Systems
53:00 You have a unique ability to connect the dots from Money to Bitcoin' - How many dots are there - i.e. what needs to happen to get to Hyper Bitcoinization?
59:20 El Salvador & Bitcoin
60:30 What factors could cause a scenario where bitcoin goes to zero? And what is the probability of such an occurrence at this point in time?
63:10 Do you think BTC layer 2 on bitcoin has a shot of competing with the likes of Ethereum and Solano and avalanche?
64:00 Is there concern that government to suppress bitcoin growth via the derivatives market? In an effort to maintain USD Reserve Currency Status? Is this FUD or a legitimate concern?
66:10 Are you concerned about those who hold no Bitcoin? Lifeboat?
67:40 Re hedging with a home/ RE or BTC Comparing assets that hold value, when should you pick Bitcoin over a house? A house over Bitcoin? How would you balance assets if starting from zero? Needs 185 Trillion in stimulus
70:10 we are 2.5% across the bridge
65:00 Whales.... vs Distro - Why would the 1% who hold 90% of global wealth pour their money into BTC to line the pockets of early adopters? Seems like an undeserved wealth transfer
72:00 Would you deem BTC a Zero Coupon Bond?
72:30 I always felt that crypto regulation is a bullish sentiment. Your thoughts?
72:40 Gary Gensler said "There is Bitcoin, and there is everything else". Agree?
72:45 What is the one crypto-related thing that could keep you up at night?
73:00 Abundance of money means scarcity everywhere else - scarcity of money drives abundance everywhere else
74:26 monies being invested into Crypto, do you find similarities to the DotCOM bubble and, potentially, its ensuing crash?
75:44 What is one thing about BTC you believe that few others do?
76:30 FUN Q If Jeff were to abdicate the throne of Bitcoin King of Canada 🇨🇦... Who would he nominate to rule in his stead?