Episode 34: Explore the Kidron Valley on foot, as we walk from the Church of Agony (Gethsemane) to the City of David.
Virtual Walking Tours in Israel by Ofer Moghadam
Walking the streets of Israel in silence.
No comments. No distractions.
Welcome to #Jerusalem, #HolyCity to all three #MonotheisticReligions. In this video, we will walk silently from the #ChurchOfAgony, located in the #GardenOfGethsemane, through the #KidronValley, also known as the #JehoshaphatValley (#JosaphatValley) to the #CityOfDavid. Along the way we will pass the ancient sites known as #TombOfAbsalom and #CaveOfJehoshaphat.
Church of Agony (00:05)
We start his walk by looking at the façade of the #ChurchOfAgony, also known as the #ChurchOfAllNations, which is located in the #GardenOfGethsemane. This is the traditional site of #JesusAgony, which he experienced on Thursday night before his arrest and subsequent #Crucifixion on #GoodFriday. The façade shows #Jesus praying to the #HeavenlyFather, asking him to be released of the #BurdenOfCrucifixion. The #deer on top of the gable reminds us of Psalm 42:2-4
"As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; When shall I come and appear before God?"
Golden Gate (00:25)
Also known as #GateOfMercy or #ShushanGate, #JewishTradition states that the #Messiah will enter #Jerusalem through this gate. In Christians and Muslim tradition, this is seen as the gate through which #Jesus will enter #Jerusalem. #Ottoman ruler #SuleymanTheMagnificent sealed this gate in the 16th century, in order to prevent the entrance of the #Messiah from here.
Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery (02:25)
This is the oldest and most important #JewishCemetery in the world. It has already been in use since the #FirstTemplePeriod, and is still an active #cemetery. Today, you can find tombs of #politicians (#MenahemBegin), #CulturalFigures (#EliezerBenYehuda, #ShmuelYosefAgnon) and rabbis (#AbrahamIsaacKook) here.
#Jews want to be buried at this specific location, because they believe in their #resurrection with the #ArrivalOfTheMessiah. Therefore, those that are buried here will be among the first ones to enter #Jerusalem along with the #Mesiah.
Tomb of Absalom (05:20)
Also known as #AbsalomsPillar (#Hebrew: #YadAvshalom), the #Bible states in 2 Samuel 18:18 that #Absalom, the rebellious son of #KingDavid, had built a monument to himself in the #King'sValley.
Today's #archaeologists, however, identify this structure as a rock-cut tomb from the 1st century CE (#SecondTemplePeriod), probably being part of a noble man's tomb. The structure is hewn out of the bedrock and combines a mixture of #ArchitecturalTraditions, the most prominent of which is the #GreekArchitecturalStyle.
Cave of Jehoshaphat (06:10)
The #BurialCave behind #AbsalomsPillar is referred to as the #CaveOfYehoshafat. It originates from the #SecondTemplePeriod and was used as a burial cave for some of #Jerusalem's more important inhabitants.
City of David Entrance (17:15)
This is the compound in which #Jerusalem's earliest settlement has been identified. The name also refers to #KingDavid, who had built his #palace and #RoyalCity at this location.
There is much more to explore in the magnificent and mysterious city of #Jerusalem. As a state-licensed #TourGuide, I organize and guide private, customized #JerusalemTours. Want to turn your next #IsraelVisit into a unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience? Then get in touch with through any of the channels listed below.
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Thumbnail attribution:
By المصور معتز توفيق اغبارية - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39484576
Filming date:
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Filming time:
11:11 AM
Coordinates of walk:
Starting Point - 31.779191, 35.239448
End Point - 31.774380, 35.235504