The 'absence' of the Russian Air Force in the reerupted Ukraine conflict is strange. Let's talk about that, the potential reasons, and shed more lights on the strengths and limitations of the Russian Air Force.
- Guests -
Justin Bronk, Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute: https://rusi.org/people/bronk
Richard Shimooka, Senior Fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute: https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/cm-expert/richard-shimooka/
- Check out my books -
Ju 87 Stuka - http://stukabook.com
STG-44 Assault Platoon - http://sturmzug.com
German Panzer Company 1941 - http://www.hdv470-7.com/
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- Sources -
Dominic Nicholls, Why the complacent Russian air force has failed to gain control of Ukraine’s skies, 01.03.2022, available at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/03/01/complacent-russian-air-force-has-failed-gain-control-ukraines/ [last accessed 03/03/2022].
Justin Bronk, The Mysterious Case of the Missing Russian Air Force, RUSI, 28.02.2022, available at: https://rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/mysterious-case-missing-russian-air-force [last accessed 03/03/2022].
Henry Foy and John Paul Rathbone, Air power counts for little in Ukraine war as caution prevails on both sides, 02.03.2022, available at: https://www.ft.com/content/faf80b4a-1f17-48b1-8df3-1522ad3cb3a0 [last accessed 03/03/2022].
Phil Stewart and Idrees Ali, What happened to Russia's Air Force? U.S. officials, experts stumped, Reuters, 02.03.2022, available at: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/what-happened-russias-air-force-us-officials-experts-stumped-2022-03-01/ [last accessed 03/03/2022].
Oryx, Attack On Europe: Documenting Equipment Losses During The 2022 Russian Invasion Of Ukraine, available at https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html [last accessed 03/03/2022 at 1745 GMT].
- Timecodes -
00:00 - Developing situation (Intro)
01:59 - Russian opening strikes (Feb.24, '22)
03:15 - What the Russians are not doing
06:35 - Intermission (Have your say)
07:01 - Trying to make sense of this
07:28 - Pilot skill and experience?
09:34 - Lacking equipment?
10:12 - Lack of air-ground coordination?
11:37 - Lack of preparation?
12:16 - Russian defense industry?
15:41 - Keeping forces in reserve?
16:21 - Underestimating Ukraine?
16:41 - Increasing activity
17:42 - Possible future scenarios and assessment
22:58 - Outro
- Audio -
Music and Sfx from Epidemic Sound
#militaryaviationhistory #RussianAirForce