Severe flooding in Italy. A riot of water that washed away part of Apulia.

Severe flooding in Italy. A riot of water that washed away part of Apulia.

Welcome to the planet news channel. Today in the issue we will tell you how a natural disaster covered the southeast of Italy, the city of Cerignola in the province of Foggia in the Puglia region.
This afternoon, a severe storm hit Cerignola, completely flooding roads and entire neighborhoods. Flooded cars.
At least fifty interventions carried out by the fire brigade. In some areas, the water passed along the sidewalk, flooding the premises, garages and houses on the ground floor.
Schools closed today May 9th and require recognition of the state of disaster, Huge damage to Cerignola due to the May 8th storm.
The city has never had so much rain: according to civil protection, 126 mm of rain fell on Cerignola, the last water bomb of this magnitude was recorded in 1952, 123 mm of rain fell in 24 hours.
There is no rational explanation for what happens when nature, which we do not respect, decides to break in like this.
The domestic match between Audace and Brindisi was not played. A water storm tore apart the turf of the Monterisi stadium, but luckier rooms and changing rooms were not flooded.
The main critical situations were recorded in the Mercadante area, through Trinitapoli, through Monte Bianco.

The channel lists natural disasters such as:
1) emergency geological situations: earthquake, volcanic eruption, mudflow, landslide, collapse, avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: flood, tsunami, limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding;
3) Fires: forest fire, peat fire, glass fire, forest fire;
4) Extreme meteorological situations: Tornado, Cyclone, Snowstorm, Hail, Drought, Hail, Hurricane, Storm, Thunderstorm, Typhoon, Storm, Lightning.

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