With money on the line, could you break a stress ball with sunglasses? What about a mug with parmesan cheese? And can you run in an inflatable costume? Oh yeah!!
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00:00 Intro
00:17 Couch Potato Light
02:25 Geologic
04:13 Nee Doh Color Changing Stress Balls
05:54 Cow Udder Mug
07:29 Big Money Bonus Round
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Break It To Make It: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2LcMUUdq7Q&list=PLSqiExuEA-RECNKcZKAgj2uZgWWUemAqK
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About Vat19:
Vat19 is dedicated to "curiously awesome" gifts, candy, toys, gummy, putty, puzzles, games, and more! In addition to making funny commercials you'll actually want to watch, we produce amazing challenge videos, document our outrageous contraptions, and invite you to a front row seat for our silly stunts. Sometimes we blow things up, fill up a bathtub or pool with crazy stuff, dare each other to eat super spicy foods, and answer “burning questions” from our viewers.