My Father Killed my Mother and he is about to get away with it | Justice for Lydia | LNN

My Father Killed my Mother and he is about to get away with it | Justice for Lydia | LNN

Isaac will never forget the day he got the call none of us ever want to receive, "please come home immediately, something has happened"

What he did not know was that, that "something" was his mother's lifeless body in a pool of blood after his own father stabbed her 33 times,

So how did they get here?
How does a parent take away another parent's life and why did his father's family force Isaac to consent to the mom's burial before all investigations were done?
Who is hiding his father?

These are some of the Questions Isaac has and he says he will not rest until his father is found and justice is served

#JusticeforLydia #LynnNgugiNetwork #TalesofWanjiku

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