Here is the script... I also tried to add captions so you can follow along easier :)
Mom: Good Morning Honey!
Girl: Hello mom good moring!
Mom: Uh why are you speaking spanish?
Girl: I don’t know!
Mom: Oh your soulmate!
Girl: What?!
Mom: I forgot today’s the day! Whatever language your soulmate speaks you’ll speak!
Mom: You won’t be able to speak english until you find your soulmate.
Teacher: Okay class today we’ll be learning about…what?!
Girl: May I use the restroom?
Teacher: Huh.. English please!
Friend: She’s trying to ask to use the restroom and she can’t speak english right now beacuse…
Girl: My love!
Friend: Because of her love, her soulmate actually, he speaks spanish!
Teacher: Oh because today is soulmate day?
Girl: Yes!
Teacher: Well tough luck you should have used the restroom before you came into my class.
Friend: Someone wants to interview you for an internship!
Girl: Right now?!
Friend: Yes it’s a once in a life time oppotunity!
Interviewer: So you can only speak spanish rn?
Girl: I’m sorry!
Interviewer: No, it’s okay.
Interviewer: I’m gonna bring in a translator so I can understand you better.
Translator: Hello Miss, you look beautiful!
Translator: *to interviewer* She is beautiful!
Girl: Aww thank you!
Interviewer: Hey he must be your…