Rule of Rose: one of the strongest narratives in a game, backed by mundane gameplay.
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Other Boulder Punch Videos to Watch:
• Haunting Ground: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkEvWK9ARcU
• Silent Hill 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQoIRys3vOw
While its gameplay is barebones, its combat sluggish, and its exploration mundane, Rule of Rose has one of the strongest narratives in any horror title, or games in general.
A narrative so strong that despite the shortcomings of its gameplay, is worth checking out for any horror fan, or for those looking to see what a strong execution of a narrative looks like in a game.
Rule of Rose is right up there with Silent Hill 2 on that front.
Rule of Rose is a dark, depressing look at the suffering and cruelty of children, but also one of the most genuinely moving.
While never a huge seller, and was surrounded by controversy, its reputation has grown over the years, and for good reasons. Let's take a look at why.
00:00 - Prelude
01:29 - Behind The Scene & Controversy of Rule of Rose
02:56 - Presentation of Rule of Rose
04:24 - Gameplay of Rule of Rose
08:35 - The Narrative of Rule of Rose (Spoilers)
20:28 - In Conclusion
Other Footage:
• Chulip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XS4w82fKX8
• Haunting Ground
• Manhunt
• Silent Hill 2
• The Witcher 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ6A3GvEVo0
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