Redux is a mod that plans to rework every vanilla boss, as well as add some extra goodies and quality of life changes. It is designed to be used alongside other content mods that don’t change bosses in order to spice up your playthroughs.
Normal Rules....Same old same old:
Easy on the Potions - Try to avoid having every single buff slot filled with Potion buffs.
On tier gear - Only gear pre-(Boss) is allowed.
No melting! - Do NOT kill bosses in A couple of seconds, The boss needs to have a chance to kill me....This isn't a channel where we jump up and down for an endgame boss kill of 15 seconds.
Bosses+minibosses - All bosses will be No-hit plus some Minibosses that deserve it.
No Rod of Discord - This rule is simple, I'm to avoid the Rod of Discord, The only time it's allowed is if the boss is broken in some manner making it incredibly unfair with unavoidable attacks.
Feedback: Well this is one hell of a take on Skeletron Prime!
All I'd say really is maybe give it some other attacks using it's limbs plus maybe give it a little but more tanking power, I wasn't fully decked out but if I was this fight would be short.
Music: Soul Knight OST - Floor 2 Boss
Music Link: https://youtu.be/C-sGE1-VOso
My Discord server: https://discord.gg/jjQvBm5Gyt
Shadows of Abaddon Discord: https://discord.gg/qEb5cMr
AFKpets Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Wr44Hsy
Glory mod Discord: https://discord.com/invite/VmJgaJFN3z
Tnemu-mod Discord: https://discord.gg/NAysrZ6TUq
Overmorrow Discord: https://discord.gg/kBQjZueQYA
Aerovelence Discord: https://discord.gg/QwqqZzc
Extradimentional Discord: https://discord.gg/aa88Mmg
Scarlet mod Discord: https://discord.gg/Eqm6Tpqwv7
Paradox Discord: https://discord.gg/kVJbn5WBhY
Worlds Collide Discord: https://discord.gg/dNunYXmRbn
Esther Discord: https://discord.gg/j9gbbXaUQ5
Thanking ya zone:
Kawaggy - Created my vanity mod , Manages my vanity mod , Made 1-hit feature.
Yharex - Made original Sprocket , Made original Vanity , Made original Shadow (All no longer in mod)
IDG "SGAmod dev" - Remade Shadow (Current) , Made the cultist eye , Added Hearts/Mana bar.
Anonymous - Sprited 6 winged Sprocket (Current) , Sprited Wings (Current)
TuringComplete30 - Added fancy Eclipse sun , Remade Eclipse for 1.4
HeavyLobster - Resprited SoC , Sprited Shadow blinking , Sprited text box , Added Communication tower decoration from Mealstrom.
Hat in a River - Granting me access to their Ultranium statue.
Kogagagachan-san - Spriting my Vanity (Current)
Blossom - Shadows new eyes/Emotions (Current)
Linty - For granting me early access.
#terraria #tmodloader