#prepperpantry #foodstockpile #prepperhaul
It's time to make sure we are well stocked and prepared for all that winter can bring! We may have a long, dark winter coming. We’ve already seen some deadly winter weather. Make sure you are ready!
Video Links:
Pumpkin Spice: https://amzn.to/3IfLnW0
Cream of Tartar: https://amzn.to/3Q88rYX
Some uses for cream of tartar: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/cream-of-tartar-benefits
Kilowatt Meter: https://amzn.to/3GvY3qp
Magnesium supplement: https://amzn.to/3Z0175B
CapAction flea treatment:
-for cats & sm. dogs: https://amzn.to/3vuSlPn
-for larger dogs: https://amzn.to/3Vz4zB7
Pet Pill Plunger: https://amzn.to/3i7sp9w
Sugar Free Coffee Syrups: https://amzn.to/3GvZjtH
Gauze trauma pads: https://amzn.to/3Vwb8EE
Towel Tablets: https://amzn.to/3IhZqKY
Vienna BItes: https://amzn.to/3GwKszj
Beef bouillon, cheese & tomato sauces: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/all-products/basics.html
Freeze Dried Meats: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/all-products/proteins.html
Freeze Dried Zucchini: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/zucchini-freeze-dried.html
Thrive Life Monthly Sale Items: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/monthly-specials.html
Instant Beans: https://motherearthproducts.com/collections/beans-instant?aff=277
Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=e7c0cebeaf
Vanilla extract: shorturl.at/hDUY8
Wild rice: shorturl.at/eADE8
Wild rice broken pieces: shorturl.at/juCW6
How to Shop Azure Standard: https://youtu.be/5Gm5qe_0l0c
Ibotta for rebates & freebies: https://ibotta.onelink.me/iUfE/8cc13c64?friend_code=biqzbr
Our Home Freeze Dryer: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/1812.html
E-bike: $100 off with coupon code: Wicked Prepared - https://shrsl.com/3v604
Shop our Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/wickedprepared
🌱 Our family chooses Thrive Life freeze dried foods because they're simply the best! No additives, no GMO's, just pure, nutritious, whole foods with impeccable quality control AND a 25 year shelf life! Check it out here:
This month’s Sale Items: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/monthly-specials.html
Choose Delivery service to save 15% on every item and get free shipping over $99!
💚Could you use a little extra income? How would you like to get PAID every time your friends and family shop for groceries? Even earn FREE FOOD! Join our team! Even if you never sell to anyone, you will earn commission on your own purchases- getting paid to stock your prepper pantry is a no-brainer!
Our Favorite Sources for:
Bulk Food Storage:
Thrive Life-Freeze Dried, 25 year shelf life: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com
Azure Standard-Organic, Natural, Bulk:
Mother Earth Products: https://www.motherearthproducts.com?aff=277
Harmony House: https://www.harmonyhousefoods.com/?AffId=291
Seeds & Garden:
Survival Garden Seed Vaults: https://survivalgardenseeds.com/?ref=WICKED
Coupon Code: WICKED
True Leaf Market: https://www.pjatr.com/t/8-11415-264857-153185
Salty Acres: https://tidd.ly/3X1ojyF
Our Drip irrigation system: https://aff.dripdepot.com/aff/idevaffiliate.php?id=324
Home freeze dryers: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/1812.html
Mylar bags & Oxygen absorbers: https://wallabygoods.com/?rfsn=6721851.88ec3b
Water Storage and filtration:
Legacy water storage: https://shrsl.com/3kbov
Seychelle water filtration:
Coupon Code: WICKED
Our water storage plan:
Emergency Medical-Emergency Antibiotic Supply: http://jasemedical.com/wickedprepared
Oupes: https://shrsl.com/3oroz
Use our code Prepared10 for 10% off sitewide! (except the brand new 2400)
Bluetti: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1745428&u=2821484&m=108816&urllink=&afftrack=
Dual Fuel Gas: https://amzn.to/3QA032L
Nuclear, Chemical, or Biological attack: https://alnk.to/cwNlY2C
EMP Shield: (Save $50 with this link)
Survival Gear:
Ruvi (whole food nutrition): https://www.goruvi.com/?ref=wickedprepared
Makeup by Senegence: https://senegence.com/bonitas
💙 Follow us on Facebook!💙
Our page: https://www.facebook.com/wickedprepared
Join our preparedness group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wickedprepared
Our posts may contain affiliate links. If you use these links we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. We appreciate your support more than you know! ❤