In New York, nursing homes are referred to by many names: skilled nursing facility, short-term rehabilitation facility, nursing facility, long-term care facility, and more. Every resident who is admitted into a nursing home, regardless whether it is for a short-term rehabilitation stay or long-term care, has the right to receive the care and quality of life services to attain and maintain their highest practicable physical, emotional, and psychosocial well-being. Our presentation will provide attendees the information needed to fully understand their rights, with a focus on: care planning, discharge planning, visitation, and staffing. Attendees will be provided the tools needed to effectively advocate for their rights and/or the rights of a loved one. Attendees will receive handouts with information on these rights that will reinforce the tools needed to effectively respond and where to turn for assistance.
Guest Speakers: Lindsay Heckler, Esq. - Center for Elder Law & Justice and Bria Lewis, Esq., Center for Elder Law & Justice