Pancakes, Ducks, Backyard Fun, and a highfive to Betterhelp for sponsoring this Best Day Ever!!
learn more and snag 10% off with this link: https://betterhelp.com/shonduras
JOIN OUR FAM!! --- http://goo.gl/rfgp8V
Best Water Day Ever 1216
Guess who’s learning to walk?!! Baby Navey!! We got out a new toy for her to practice walking with and she loves it. Her little feet are just cruising and moving her all over the place!! So we rearrange the whole living room so that she has plenty of space to walk around and have tons of fun! But that’s not the only thing Navey is doing, Adley is giving her the ultimate test, choosing to watch a movie as a family or go out to breakfast! What will she choose?!!
Ok if you’re reading this then you get to know that she chooses for us to go out to breakfast. We get to the restaurant, a place with amazing French toast(my favorite), and it turns out we have to wait for a table. So we take advantage of the time and go to a park that is a neighbor to the restaurant. This is a really cool park because they have a duck pond filled with all sorts of birds. Adley loves feeding the seagulls and Niko Bear loves feeding the goose! The kiddos are having so much fun. We also find a playground with slides and swings. Adley is such a good big sister, she helps Navey to swing and have fun with Niko Bear!!
We head back to the restaurant to get some food and we forgot how crazy our kiddos are at breakfast. Niko Bear is making bubbles with his chocolate milk, Adley is dancing cause she loves the food so much and Navey does Baby vs lemon for the first time!! So cute and hilarious!!
On the way home, everyone falls asleep, so its nap time. Well I’m still awake, so I head into the backyard to tell you about BetterHelp, who sponsored this video!! These guys are amazing, they can hook you up with a licensed therapist to help you with your mental health. While I'm telling you all about it, Adley comes out and helps me...kinda. But yes, if you want quick access to professionals world wide, BetterHelp is the guys to go to!!
While we think everyone is still asleep, Adley and I go to the store to get ice cream!! But little did we know that Jenny, Niko Bear, and baby Navey woke up and decided to start swimming in the pool!! So when we get home, Adley quickly changes into her new color changing swimsuit and we have a pool party! Navey loves the ice cream, Niko loves sharing his, and Adley eats hers in the pool. Even Koopa jumps in the water to cool off. We then play on the trampoline, the splash pad, and have the best day ever!!
Watch Adley's last video: MOM is a CRAZY DRiVER!! adopting new pets and making friendship bracelets! welcome to Rainboville 🦄
-- https://youtu.be/uQa6JB4rWUc
Watch yesterday's Best Day Ever: GOiNG iNSiDE the VOLCANO 🌋 Adley & Niko find their new CLUB HOUSE! Secret Floor under the Lava!!
-- https://youtu.be/Iq1H1wV1x14
snag some sweet Spacestation merch --- https://shopspacestation.com/
Find me on any social media @Shonduras!!
Don't forget to get Adley's free apps:
Apple -- https://apps.apple.com/us/app/unicorn-catch/id1507652823
Google Play Store -- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ShondurasInc.UnicornCatch&hl=en_US&gl=US
Apple -- https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adleys-playspace/id1544897534
Google Play Store -- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ShondurasInc.AdleysPlaySpace&hl=en_US&gl=US
Best Music Ever: http://share.epidemicsound.com/tPjTh
(leave a highfive in the comments if you read this far)