The White House is putting pressure on House Democrats to pass a $3.5 trillion budget bill, telling them that the legislation would allow for Medicare to negotiate drug prices, which is a winning campaign issue. This is true, but some moderate Democrats worry that the price tag of the bill is going to cause concern among voters. The truth is that Americans really don't care much about government spending, and they'd rather see money spent to take care of them rather than on pet projects or unwinnable foreign conflicts. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/22/white-house-dems-drug-price-plan-506498
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The White House is holding talks with Democratic lawmakers, from the House of Representatives, encouraging them to pass the three and a half trillion dollar budget spending bill and they're telling them, you can use this as a talking, and the talking point is this. We're trying to increase not just the eligibility for Medicare, with this reconciliation package, but there's also a very important provision in it. One, that most people aren't even aware is in there, but two, that resonates very well with the American voters. And that is a piece of the legislation that actually includes the negotiation of drug prices for the first time ever for Medicare. This would lower the prescription costs for people over the age of 65 in the United States. Although of course, you know, one of the things they want to have in the bill, as well as lowering the eligibility age to 60 years old. So you could be looking at people over the age of 60, not just 65, that would have lower prescription drug prices because of this bill that would basically require unanimous Democratic support in the House and of course, unanimous Democratic support in the Senate where it would go through the reconciliation process.
So basically the White House is out there, flexing some muscle, trying to talk to these people, doing a good thing, to be honest, showing that they actually are concerned and do want something to happen, but, they got to get every single Democrat on board. Like, I mean every single and that's no small feat. But the reason they're out there telling them, frame it this way, use the drug price negotiate, negotiation part to help talk to your constituents about it, to talk to one another about it, because this is something a majority of people in this country approve of, including Republicans. They're doing that to calm the moderates, the moderates who look at this and say, well, hold up now, this is a three and a half trillion dollar piece of legislation. That's a hefty price tag. And my voters are going to be mad if I vote for three and a half trillion dollars. First of all, no, they won't and that's what the Biden administration needs to tell them. They don't give a about the price tag. It's going to be a talking point for a couple of weeks among right-wing media outlets.
That's it, that's it. When people go to the polling station, they don't sit there and look at the candidates and say, well, they spent a lot of money. I just, I can't. Because if that were the case, nobody in Washington, DC would ever get reelected ever, ever, if people actually did what these idiotic, moderate Democrats, think people are going to do. You all would have been voted out in 2002 or 2004 when we were spending billions and billions and billions and billions on a war that everybody knew at that time by 04', at least, wait a minute. This isn't the right fight. We have no plan here. Yeah. Y'all would've gotten creamed if voters actually did what you think they do, but they don't. They truly do not care about the price tag. They truly do not care about the deficit. They don't care about the debt. Anyone who tries to tell you they do is trying to sell you a talking point to benefit their opposition political party. That's not how it actually works in the real world.