In two-on-two match-ups, each tribe will swim out to retrieve an inner tube that Jeff launches from the seafloor and take it to their tribe's platform, while dealing with players from the opposing tribe. First player to touch the life ring and their tribe's pontoon wins a point. First tribe to three points wins.
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Dangerous Creatures and Horrible Setbacks is the third episode of Survivor: Palau.
Challenge: By Any Means Necessary
Winner: Ulong
By Any Means Necessary (also known as Battle Dig, Beach Bash, and Water Slaughter) is a physical race challenge that originated in Survivor: Palau, and has subsequently appeared in Micronesia, Caramoan, Millennials vs. Gen X, Ghost Island, and Winners at War. A land-based version of the challenge was also used in Panama and Heroes vs. Villains.
In Palau, Caramoan, Millennials vs. Gen X, Ghost Island, and Winners at War, members of each tribe would race out in the water to retrieve a ring. The tribe members would then battle against each other to gain possession of the ring and bring it to their tribe's finishing station. The first tribe to score a given number of points wins.
In Panama and Heroes vs. Villains, members for each tribe will race out to a marked location and dig up a bag. The castaways then compete to return the bag to their tribe's mat. The first person to touch the tribe mat, with a hand on the bag, scores a point for their team. The first tribe to win a given number of rounds wins the challenge.
In Micronesia, the tribes start at opposite ends of the playing field with three canvas bags. The tribes have to battle their way to their end zone. The tribe that has their three bags and two of the other tribe's bags in their end zone at the same time wins.
The challenge debuted in Palau as a Reward Challenge. Castaways from each tribe would swim out to retrieve a ring and try to bring it back to their tribe's pontoon while the other tribe would try to stop them by any means other than punching or otherwise intentionally physically hurting each other. Ulong used its superior physical strength over Koror to win in a 3-0 sweep.
The challenge re-appeared in Panama as a tribal Immunity Challenge. In teams of two or three, castaways would have to race out and dig out a big buried underneath the sand and bring it back to their tribe's mat. In a highly contested challenge between both tribes, Casaya beat out La Mina 3-2 to win immunity, sending La Mina to their first Tribal Council.
In Micronesia, the challenge was used as a Reward Challenge. Playing in an area similar to a football field, the tribes started at opposite ends of the field with three canvas bags. The tribes would have to battle their way to their end zone with all three of their three bags and two of the other tribe's bags at the same time. In a physical battle in the rain, Malakal won the challenge over Airai.
The challenge was used as the first Reward Challenge in Heroes vs. Villains immediately at the start of the game. Similarly to Panama, castaways raced in pairs to dig a bag out of the sand and bring it back to their tribe's mat. In a challenge marred by several injuries to the Heroes and the tactics of the Villains, the Heroes managed to win the challenge, defeating the Villains 3-2.
In Caramoan, a variation of this challenge was again used as the first Reward Challenge of the season right after the marooning. Adapted to an aquatic playing field, one man and one woman from each tribe would race to retrieve a ring from one end of the course and return it to their tribe's flagpole. Bikal won the challenge 4-1 over Gota to win reward.
In Millennials vs. Gen X, the challenge appeared as the first Reward Challenge of the season and again played on an aquatic field. The women of Vanua beat the women of Takali in both rounds they faced off, but the men of Takali defeated the men of Vanua in all three rounds they battled, ending with Takali victorious 3-2.
In Ghost Island...
The challenge was used as the first Reward/Immunity Challenge in Winners at War immediately after the marooning. Once again played in the water, two members of each tribe would race to retrieve a ring and bring it to their tribe's flagpole. Aided by large swells from the ocean during the challenge, Dakal defeated Sele 3-1 to win reward and immunity, sending Sele to the first Tribal Council of the season.