How to get funding for your video game - Slovenia Games August Meetup

How to get funding for your video game - Slovenia Games August Meetup


We will have some "serious money" talk this month!

Tom Vodopivec will talk about: How to get funding for your video game (company)

Tom is a startup business developer, mentor, and all-around analyst with such a passion for games that he developed AI algorithms for them during his PhD and later founded Reveris accelerator, which specializes in early-stage software, tech, and video game startups.

He will talk about the why, when, and how to fundraise. The rules and mindset. The sources, the difference between publishers, investors, grants - how to choose and how to secure. In the Q&A you will be able to ask anything you wish about your specific case, so come prepared!

To get a feeling about the regional industry maturity you can also check out Tom's recent fireside chat with Andrej Kovačević from Exordium Games:

After that, there will be time for catching up with the good people of the Slovenia Games community and having some beers at Reveris Hub.

Relax, grab a beer or two, share what you're up to.
See you soon!

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