Help an aged couple suffering from heart, Diabetic and other ailments in buying monthly medicines :
This is to state that during my #Praja_Darbar at #Darul_Aman Chanchalguda one aged couple Mohammed Abdul Kareem and Asma Begum H No: 17-1-315/28/6/2 Owaisi Nagar, Santoshnagar suffering from multiple diseases approached me for help in buying monthly medicines.
Mohammed Abdul Kareem who used to work as Tailor in a shop was done open heart surgery four years before and due to hyper diabetic his left leg was amputated three months back.Asma Begum was performed two heart surgery andchaving BP, Diabetic and clotting in Brain and needs regular medication.
Both Wife and Husband needs regular medication who's medicine bill will go upto Rs/ 15,000 per month.Kindly help them in buying monthly medicines by sending some money in her account and Google-pay.
Asma Begum
A/c No: 52027819310
Ifsc Code: SBIN0020061
State Bank of India, Malakpet Branch.
Google-Pay: 9550016578
Note: Kindly send screen shot or receipt copy on my Whats App to verify with bank and remove this post after we reach target.
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely
Amjed Ullah Khan
(Spokesman) MBT