The chilling reason Palpatine was TERRIFIED of Jedi with Yellow Lightsabers (Jedi Sentinels / Temple Guards).
By the time the Clone Wars had kicked off, the Jedi Order had become divided into three main factions of force users. The Jedi Guardians who wielded blue lightsabers and focused on their combat ability. The Jedi Consulars, who wielded green lightsabers and focused on their connection to the cosmic force, and then the Jedi Sentinels who had Yellow lightsabers and balanced between both.
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This balanced and clear thinking posed a major threat to Palpatine. Because of it, the yellow sabered Sentinels believed that not all of life’s questions could be answered through the force, and travelled across the galaxy to many different regions and planets, searching for answers. This wide knowledge gave them far more practical and real world skills, which helped them to thrive in the aftermath of Order 66 and grow a close connection to the regular people of the galaxy, terrifying Sidious. As a result, he was the most afraid that the Yellow lightsaber sentinels would overthrow him, with the help of the population.