Federal Accounting Council will hold the VII Brazilian Seminar on Accounting and Costs Applied to the Public Sector on November 23, 2021, from 8:30 am to 6 pm, with live broadcasting on the National Treasury's YouTube.
This year, the event's main theme is "The Brazilian Public Sector Accounting Standards Converged to IPSAS".
Matters related to the conclusion in Brazil of the adoption of international public sector accounting standards, cost accounting, the importance of financial auditing for the quality of accounting statements in the public sector, and the adoption of the GFSM 2014 (IMF fiscal statistics manual) will be addressed.
Programação em Português – https://sisweb.tesouro.gov.br/apex/f?p=2501:9::::9:P9_ID_PUBLICACAO_ANEXO:14865
English program – https://sisweb.tesouro.gov.br/apex/f?p=2501:9::::9:P9_ID_PUBLICACAO_ANEXO:14866
Programa en Español – https://sisweb.tesouro.gov.br/apex/f?p=2501:9::::9:P9_ID_PUBLICACAO_ANEXO:14867
You can also follow in your preferred language:
Portuguese: https://youtu.be/mmbDLTsRvko
Spanish: https://youtu.be/D2UuLNxhUcE