OH NO! 😞😭 When You Finally Accept an overpay This Almost Always Happens | Neon Pig Trade Adopt Me πŸ˜”

OH NO! 😞😭 When You Finally Accept an overpay This Almost Always Happens | Neon Pig Trade Adopt Me πŸ˜”

so i finally accepted a good offer for my neon pig but then this happened :(
please like if you can relate
My videos are mainly for the purpose of Entertaining or educating about the game,
I play these games because i have a liking for them what's your reason comment below Love you all.
Current Goal 20K SUBS
also to be an adopt me influencer-Pending
I also aim to provide the best experience to my subscribers by helping them with trade values and to do giveaways so they too
can own the pet of their dreams

Q-and -A 9k subsπŸ€“-Done

face reveal 10-100k subs😎

-more will be added to this list soon so stay tuned.......πŸ“❤️❤️❤️

Roblox Profile
MY USERNAME: Jamelhmo πŸ’•

Roblox Group
MY ROBLOX GROUP NAME: Jamelhmo Gaming πŸ‘₯

#robloxAdoptme #adoptmeticktocks #adoptmetrading

#adopt#adopt me#adopt me roblox

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