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📌Some of the traits and the things from the #prophetMuhammed (Pbuh,) who is the best of all husbands, are mentioned to make one to be a better #husband.
1:08|Exemplary morals prior to the Prophethood
3:20|integrity: Truthful, honest, respectful, and hardworking
3:48| selecting a spouse: Religion and Good nature
5:53| Be dutiful
9:52| leader of the home
12:24| comfort to spouse
18:06|expressing love to spouse
19:44|giving beautiful nicknames for spouse
20:28| Drinking and eating from one place
21:43| cleanliness
23:56| speak to his wives in a beautiful way
24:56| deeply attuned to his wife’s feelings
25:40| Physical displays of affection
26:33| racing with his wife
27:30| be affectionate
31:22| be forbearing
31:48| assisting her in the housework
34:30| be the best to his wives
34:51| positive facial expression to wife
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