The Golden Traits Of Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) To Be An Ideal Husband In Our Modern Day

The Golden Traits Of Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) To Be An Ideal Husband In Our Modern Day

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📌Some of the traits and the things from the #prophetMuhammed (Pbuh,) who is the best of all husbands, are mentioned to make one to be a better #husband.
1:08|Exemplary morals prior to the Prophethood
3:20|integrity: Truthful, honest, respectful, and hardworking
3:48| selecting a spouse: Religion and Good nature
5:53| Be dutiful
9:52| leader of the home
12:24| comfort to spouse
18:06|expressing love to spouse
19:44|giving beautiful nicknames for spouse
20:28| Drinking and eating from one place
21:43| cleanliness
23:56| speak to his wives in a beautiful way
24:56| deeply attuned to his wife’s feelings
25:40| Physical displays of affection
26:33| racing with his wife
27:30| be affectionate
31:22| be forbearing
31:48| assisting her in the housework
34:30| be the best to his wives
34:51| positive facial expression to wife

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