We were planning to go on a photo walk with David Saylors and Ray Soldano at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, but it also happened to be the same day that the engagement ring I ordered for Heather came in so I decided to pop the question at the beginning of our photo walk and let my friends make some photos. It worked out great because they did a fantastic job with the photos as I knew they would.
Later we walked around the campus of UTC. I played around with the RF 50mm f/1.8 lens until it got nearly dark, then I started shooting with the Laowa 12-24 f/5.6 C-Dreamer "Starmaster" lens. It makes great light stars. After a few long exposure shots, we called it a night.
David Saylors Website https://www.davidsaylors.com/
Ray Soldano Photography https://www.facebook.com/RaySoldanoPhotography
The jury is still out as of the recording of this video about the Laowa 12-24 lens. I should have a more complete look at that lens later on the channel.
Look for me on Vero @philthach
Heather is on Vero too @heatherbrie
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