Have you ever wondered if Lady Dumitrescus' height affects her health? If you get your ear bitten off is it salvageable? Or if a heel to the junk is just straight up fatal? Dr. Jordan is back for another gruesome yet educational video reacting to the best of deaths and mutilations in video games. Without sounding absolutely unhinged, which was your favorite injury/ sequence in the video? Let us know in the comments below!
Check out Dr. Jordan Wagner on YouTube AND follow him on Instagram. Dr. Jordan Wagner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdZmX-f3TDaRhnhM4KLM4SQ
His Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorerwagz/
00:00 - Intro
00:34 - Resident Evil Village
04:02 - Quake 4
05:52 - Outlast 2
06:47 - Metal Gear Solid V
10:32 - Spec Ops The Line
11:39 - Outro
Check out some of our past videos!
ER Doctor REACTS to Video Game Wounds | Experts React https://youtu.be/eTQGhlpRB6M
Experts Playlist:
Thank you Capcom, Activision, Red Barrels, Konami, and 2K Games for the gameplay
Up In My Jam (All of A Sudden) by - Kubbi https: // soundcloud.com/kubbi Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported- CC bY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2JnDfCE
Promoted by Music Library Audio :
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#MetalGearSolid #ERDoctor #ExpertsReact