On this day Death "Human" was released 30 years ago. This is a very special day to me, cause this record is my absolute all time favorit metal album, most significant and had the biggest impact on me as a kid who was discovering metal music.
When I first heard the crushing riff right after the opening intro of "Flattening of Emotions" from this album around 20 years ago my life changed forever.
I love this album from the bottom of my heart, thanks to this cassette I got into death metal and fell in love with extreme music. Thank you Chuck, thank you Sean, Paul and Steve.
To celebrate this day, I decided to record the opening song from this record - "Flattening of Emotions". I got the backing track from the re-issue of "Human" album. There were drums, bass and rhythm guitars, no vocals. That gave me a chance to challenge the insanely crazy solos, especially Paul's part. Maaaan, I cannot deny, that wasn't easy, but I guess I nailed it well enough.
I hope you guys will like it, I had so much fun recording this one!
Gear I used in this video:
Ibanez XPTB620
Rivera Knucklehead 2
Mesa Boogie 2x12 cab miced by Shure SM57
Puff Custom noise gate & delay/reverb
Fat Cables
Craft Ears in ear monitors
Neural DSP Archetype Gojira additional track slightly in the mix
But most of the sound is Rivera anyway.
I hope you guys enjoyed the video!
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